COVID-19 Samples

The Crimson core is processing COVID19-tested materials for clinical and research uses. Materials include plasma, serum (less commonly obtained), and aliquots of stool, sputum, BAL and other sample types from test-positive and test-negative individuals. 

Regarding sample types:

Viral Transport Media (VTM) – retrieved 24-96h after collection, and after resulting of final results. Clinically, samples are stored for 1-4hr at room temperature then 4*C until retrieval. Prepared aliquots of residual VTM media are stored at -80°C.

Blood (purple top/EDTA anticoagulant) – retrieved 48-72 after collection, the window for diagnostic testing. Clinically, samples are stored at room temperature for 1-8hr, then at 4°C until discard. Samples are spun and plasma stored at -80*C. Crude buffy coat fractions are pulled and stored at -80°C for evaluation of viral nucleic acid in white blood cell fractions.

Serum (red top or yellow top tubes) – retrieved up to 7 days after collection, at completion of diagnostic testing. Samples are spun upon receipt in the clinical lab (up to 4h at room temperature) and serum stored at -20*C until the discard point. Serum-based testing is not commonly ordered so there are fewer samples than for plasma.

Stool, sputum, BAL – retrieved at 1-7 days after collection, at completion of diagnostic testing. Samples are stored at room temperature for up to 8hr and -20*C until retrieval. Prepared aliquots are stored at -80*C.

Urine – retrieved 24hr after collection, at completion of diagnostic testing. Samples are stored at room temperature for 1-4hr, then at 4°C until retrieval. Prepared aliquots are stored at -80*C.

The priority for use of materials is as follows:

  1. Clinical diagnostic testing and clinical assay validations to get new testing platforms operational
  2. Support for infection control and Dept. Public Health surveillance
  3. Protocols consenting patients for collection of specific clinical discards
  4. Anonymized aliquots for support of research applications – priority is given to efforts involved in new or improved diagnostic testing.

Process to request materials is as follows:

  1. Fill out and return the Crimson Request Form
  2. In parallel, submit your request to the BWH COVID-19 Oversight Committee who need to approve all requests:
  3. Complete their project intake form and send that and the associated documents to
  4. Once you receive approval, please provide the following: 
    1. MGB (Partners) approval letter to Crimson Core for use of COVID19 materials
    2. Partners-approved IRB protocol or non-human subjects research (NHSR) waiver letter
    3. Biosafety protocol
    4. Email from your biosafety officer that they have approved BL2+ handling for your group
    5. Cost center # or purchase order
    6. Tissue Transfer Agreement and Quote are generated prior to finalization of study setup.

Contact the Crimson Core Business Manager, Tim Janicki, with any questions or requests at